Tune In

School Programs for Victorian Curriculum levels 3-10 (Years 3-10)

Tune-in to Prepare for Your Visit to Cape Otway Lightstation

Now you have chosen the type of excursion experience you want and the themes/topics for your students to focus on it’s time to tune them in.

As experienced teachers, you are the experts on how to prepare your students for the visit to Cape Otway Lightstation. You will already be well-versed in thinking, brainstorming and questioning tools so we will just provide you with a bit of content to help your students prepare for their visit.

Working individually, in pairs or small groups, students undertake initial investigations to prepare for their visit with a web search. Depending on how you structure your class activities and what your theme/s, topics or big questions are we have taken a selection of short video clips and/or information to match on our website.

To help you navigate, we have matched the excursion topics/themes to the videos and web topics.


    Cape Otway Theme/TopicCape Otway “Explore” webpage topics/videos
    Life in the 19th CenturyTales of The Cape
    Communication at Cape OtwayTelegraph Station
    Immigration and ShipwrecksTales of The Cape
    Weather at Cape OtwayBureau of Meteorology/South West/Cape Otway
    Native Plant TalksIndigenous Cultural History
    World War 2 at The CapeWorld War 2 Bunker
    Lighthouses and Navigation


    Remote Living at The CapeTales of The Cape

    Ask each student to prepare one or two burning questions, or each pair or group to coordinate a set of questions to ask/investigate while they are on site.

    Before their visit, students should also think about where/how they might find out their first-hand data and how they will record it. Eg. will they take photos, take notes, draw pictures, read signage or ask Guides?

    Download the Cape Otway Lightstation Map and ask students to plot where they will find out about certain topics. Eg. Telegraph Station for information about communications or Radar Bunker for information about World War 2 or Whale Watching. 

    Students can bring their marked-up map with them along with their burning question/s.

    Book your student group today.

    Book your students in for their unique Cape Otway Lightstation learning experience.