Post Visit Resources

School Program for Victorian Curriculum levels 3-10 (Years 3-10)

School Excursion – Post Visit Resources

You and your students are very good at searching the web, your school library, finding people to interview across many generations and hunting out lots of other local resources. We thought you might like a few hints though from our Head Researcher, Alex, just to get you started. He has done all the hard work searching the State Library and National Archives in particular. Below we have mapped the links to the most relevant Cape Otway themes and topics, and provided a few helpful navigation hints to kick start your search.     


Useful Links 

Web LinksCape Otway theme/topic
Australian National Maritime MuseumImmigration and Shipwrecks. Lighthouses and Navigation.
Bureau of MeteorologyWeather at Cape Otway
Museums Victoria (including the Immigration Museum)Life in the 19th Century, World War 2 at The Cape, Immigration and Shipwrecks, Communication at The Cape
National Archives AustraliaLife in the 19th Century, World War 2 at The Cape, Immigration and Shipwrecks, Communication at The Cape, Native Plant Talks
National Library of Australia (including TROVE web search)Life in the 19th Century, World War 2 at The Cape, Immigration and Shipwrecks, Communication at The Cape, Native Plant Talks
State Library of VictoriaLife in the 19th Century, World War 2 at The Cape, Immigration and Shipwrecks, Communication at The Cape, Native Plant Talks

SS Great Britain (information on British emigrants’ voyages in the 19th Century)

Life in the 19th Century, Immigration and Shipwrecks

Navigation Tips for using the Web Links

Australian National Maritime Museum – use the discover and learn tabs at the top. There’s a fantastic lot of resources and online games in the learn from home page. 

Museums Victoria (including the Immigration Muesum) – quick links here include Migration and Identity, Immigration Museum – there is a great variety of topics and activities to explore. 

National Archives Australia – most suited to Years 9&10, VCE and Tertiary students. We suggest starting with the Learning Resources page. 

National Library of Australia (including TROVE web search) – most suited to students from Year 7 and up, best place to start is with the Research Guides which have a variety of relevant topics. Trove is an incredibly rich resource which will require a bit of getting used to. Best to start with the Explore section which has a great ‘Exploring Trove Through Stories’ video. Categories is probably the next best tab to explore. Or just enter ‘Cape Otway Lighthouse’ into the search engine and start exploring.

State Library of Victoria – you need to be a member to access the e-resources. We suggest starting with the Ships and Shipping research guide. 

SS Great Britain (information on British emigrants’ voyages in the 19th Century) – check out the Passengers and Their Stories pages. 

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