Curriculum Details

School Programs for Victorian Curriculum levels 3-10 (Years 3-10)

Excursion Themes/Topics

Excursion themes are outlined below including the key learning areas addressed and suggested year levels. If you want to mix and match your own themes/topics these outlines will help you decide.

Please note that we can also tailor experiences for Years F-2 and also VCE Outdoor Education.   

 Weather at Cape Otway (Years 3&4, 5&6, 9&10 and VCE Outdoor Education)

It has always been the Lighthouse Keepers’ role to make weather reports and still to this day an active Bureau of Meteorology weather station is in place at the Lightstation. Students investigate the significance of Cape Otway’s wild weather. 

Key Learning Areas

  • Geography 
  • Science
  • Design and technologies
  • VCE Outdoor Education

World War II at The Cape (Years 9&10)

Bass Strait saw a great deal of action during WWII. Your students will gain an increased understanding of the role of Cape Otway in the war through a hands-on exploration of the Radar Bunker and sea mines.   

Key Learning Areas

  • History 
  • Design and technologies

Immigration and Shipwrecks (Years 5-10)

The wild shipwreck coast provides the stage for the drama and heartbreak of early immigration and shipwreck stories. Students explore reasons for early migration, conditions onboard the ships and the impact migration had on local indigenous people.

Key Learning Areas

  • History
  • Geography 
  • Design and technologies

Lighthouses and Navigation (*Years 3&4, 5-10

The oldest surviving lighthouse on the mainland of Australia provides a tangible link to the terrors of Bass Strait, the most dangerous stretch of water in the world. Students are taken through the tower’s technological phases, its workings, navigational role and significance in Australia’s colonial history. *Tailored to suit Years 3&4.

Key Learning Areas

  • History
  • Geography 
  • Design and technologies

Life in the 19th Century (Years 3-10)    

Students explore the original Keepers’ Quarters, Telegraph Station and associated buildings and are encouraged to use both primary and secondary historical sources and the oral story telling of our Guides to create a strong and lasting impression of life in the 19th century.

Key Learning Areas

  • History
  • Geography 
  • Design and technologies

Remote Living at The Cape (Years 3-10)  

Students explore the concept of liveability and sustainability during the guided talk and find out how the lighthouse keepers and telegraph station officers addressed the unique set of social, economic and environmental problems that came with living in this remote and often harsh environment.      

Key Learning Areas

  • History
  • Geography 
  • Design and technologies


Book your student group today.

Book your students in for their unique Cape Otway Lightstation learning experience.