Whale Watching

Breathtaking nature.

Whale Watching

Victorian waters are home to a stunning diversity of marine mammals including whales, dolphins and seals, and Cape Otway is a perfect vantage point for whale watching between May and October.

At the Lightstation we celebrate these amazing creatures year-round in our Whale Interpretive Area.

Annually, 25 species of whales migrate past the Lightstation including Southern Right Whales, Humpback Whales, Blue Whales and Killer Whales (Orcas).

Many breed and socialise here before heading off to feed in sub-Antarctic waters. Southern Right Whales give birth to young in sheltered bays along the south-west coast of Victoria.

Whale sculpture at Cape Otway Lightstation

Art and Sculpture at Cape Otway Lightstation

Apart from interpretive information to help you learn more about whales and how we can protect them, we have some large scale works of art celebrating these amazing mammals.

There is a geoglyph sculpture which is a full-scale Southern Right male adult, formed within the natural landscape, created with local limestone, and sandstone, featuring a weathered steel fluke.

We also have a baby Southern Right Whale carved from a cypress tree.

Visit the Lightstation for a chance to see these magnificent whales in their natural habitat and learn how to distinguish them from the their blow (cloud of mist of spray formed when whales exhale as they surface); learn to recognise their shape and behaviours.


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For information, please visit the Visit Great Ocean Road website.